
jeudi 4 mars 2021

Heures événement (+)
17:00 - 19:00 Transcription et surenroulement - Robert Landick  
17:00 - 17:25 H-NS–DNA bridging via unevenly spaced and oriented contacts of hemi-sequestered DNA-binding domains enables gene regulation by silencing and counter-silencing of transcriptional elongation (Virtual Zoom room) - Robert Landick  
17:30 - 17:45 Widespread Strain-Specific Distinctions in Chromosomal Binding Dynamics of a Highly Conserved Escherichia coli Transcription Factor (Virtual Zoom room) - James Connoly  
17:50 - 17:55 Bacterial promoter opening underpins ubiquitous transcriptional regulation by DNA supercoiling (Virtual Zoom room) - Raphael Forquet  
18:00 - 18:15 No non-sense: Prevention of non-specific transcription in Bacillus subtilis (Virtual Zoom room) - David Forrest  

vendredi 5 mars 2021

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samedi 6 mars 2021

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dimanche 7 mars 2021

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lundi 8 mars 2021

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mardi 9 mars 2021

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mercredi 10 mars 2021

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jeudi 11 mars 2021

Heures événement (+)
17:00 - 19:00 Archae chromosome organization (Virtual Zoom room) - Steve Bell  
17:00 - 17:25 Chromosome Archae-tecture (Virtual Zoom room) - Steve Bell  
17:30 - 17:45 Gene resolution Hi-C reveals Euryarchaeal genomes are folded into SMC-dependent loops and domains, but lack transcription-mediated compartmentalization - Charlotte Cockram  
17:45 - 18:00 Genome Plans of Archaea at the Prokaryote-Eukaryote Boundary - Fabai Wu  
18:00 - 18:15 Cbp1 chromatinisation regulates transcription of CRISPR arrays - Fabian Blombach  

vendredi 12 mars 2021

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samedi 13 mars 2021

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dimanche 14 mars 2021

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lundi 15 mars 2021

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mardi 16 mars 2021

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mercredi 17 mars 2021

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jeudi 18 mars 2021

Heures événement (+)
17:00 - 19:00 Chromosome dynamics - Cees Deker  
17:00 - 17:25 Recent findings on SMC proteins: from DNA loop extrusion to phase separation. (Virtual Zoom room) - Cees Dekker  
17:30 - 17:45 Learning spatial chromosome organization in bacteria reveals emergent order across genomic scales - Joris Messelink  
17:45 - 18:00 Role of SMC complexes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa chromosome management. - Virginia Lioy  
18:00 - 18:15 Requirements for DNA-bridging proteins to act as topological barriers of the bacterial genome - Marc Joyeux  

vendredi 19 mars 2021

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samedi 20 mars 2021

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dimanche 21 mars 2021

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lundi 22 mars 2021

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mardi 23 mars 2021

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mercredi 24 mars 2021

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jeudi 25 mars 2021

Heures événement (+)
17:00 - 19:00 Interactions between chromosome and cell architecture (Virtual Zoom room) - Petra Schwille  
17:00 - 17:25 TBA (Virtual Zoom room) - Petra Schwille  
17:30 - 17:45 A CTP-dependent molecular switch that regulates membrane association in the Nucleoid Occlusion Protein NOC - Tung Le  
17:45 - 18:00 Interconnecting solvent quality, transcription and chromosome folding - Christine Jacobs-Wagner  
18:00 - 18:15 Determining the role of genomic context in clustering rRNA operons - Khang Ho  

vendredi 26 mars 2021

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samedi 27 mars 2021

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dimanche 28 mars 2021

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lundi 29 mars 2021

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mardi 30 mars 2021

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mercredi 31 mars 2021

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jeudi 1 avril 2021

Heures événement (+)
17:00 - 19:00 Chromosome organization (Virtual Zoom room) - Zaida Luthey Schulten  
17:00 - 17:25 Generating Chromosome Geometries for a Minimal Cell from Cryo-Electron Tomogram (Virtual Zoom room) - Zaida Luthey Schulten  
17:30 - 17:45 Genomic organization of long DNA repeats in bacteria - Nitish Malhotra  
17:45 - 18:00 Nucleoid organization and dynamics in Deinococcus radiodurans - Joanna Timmins  
18:00 - 18:15 Dynamics of the compartmentalized Streptomyces chromosome during metabolic differentiation - Stéphanie Bury-Moné  

vendredi 2 avril 2021

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samedi 3 avril 2021

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dimanche 4 avril 2021

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lundi 5 avril 2021

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mardi 6 avril 2021

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mercredi 7 avril 2021

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jeudi 8 avril 2021

Heures événement (+)
17:00 - 17:00 Chromosome folding and gene control (Virtual Zoom room) - Jie Xiao  
17:00 - 17:25 Spatial organization of chromosome and transcription in E. coli. (Virtual Zoom room) - Jie Xiao  
17:30 - 17:45 Using minimal genetic systems to quantify the impact of the genomic context on gene expression - Ihab Boulas  
17:45 - 18:00 RfaH is a transcriptional elongation counter-silencer of H-NS–StpA filaments in uropathogenic E. coli - Christine Hustmyer  
18:00 - 18:15 B. subtilis Rok protein compacts DNA via bridging - A.M. Erkelens  

vendredi 9 avril 2021

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samedi 10 avril 2021

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dimanche 11 avril 2021

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lundi 12 avril 2021

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mardi 13 avril 2021

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mercredi 14 avril 2021

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jeudi 15 avril 2021

Heures événement (+)
17:00 - 19:00 Chromosome and DNA conformations (Virtual Zoom room) - Sean Murray  
17:00 - 17:25 The effect of DNA bridging on chromosome organisation and dynamics (Virtual Zoom room) - Sean Murray  
17:30 - 17:45 Quantification of DNA bending by Integration Host Factor (IHF) through illustration of flexure angles at single-molecule resolution - Deb Purkait  
17:45 - 18:00 Correlation between nucleoid dynamics and gene expression in the plant pathogenic bacterium Dickeya dadantii - Diana Le Berre  
18:00 - 18:15 Evolutionary and Comparative genomics of Bacterial Non-homologous End Joining Repair - Mohak Sharda  

vendredi 16 avril 2021

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samedi 17 avril 2021

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dimanche 18 avril 2021

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lundi 19 avril 2021

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mardi 20 avril 2021

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mercredi 21 avril 2021

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jeudi 22 avril 2021

Heures événement (+)
17:00 - 17:00 Organization of Macromolecular complexes (Virtual Zoom room) - Stephanie Weber  
17:00 - 17:25 TBA (Virtual Zoom room) - Stephanie Weber  
17:30 - 17:45 Role of the ParB CTPase activity in partition complex formation - Manuel Osorio Valeriano  
17:45 - 18:00 ATP-Driven Separation of Liquid Phase Condensates in Bacteria - Antoine Le Gall  
18:00 - 18:15 DnaA regulation of gene expression as a function of the cell cycle and its role in the coordination of DNA replication with cell growth and division - Ilaria Iuliani  

vendredi 23 avril 2021

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samedi 24 avril 2021

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dimanche 25 avril 2021

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lundi 26 avril 2021

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mardi 27 avril 2021

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mercredi 28 avril 2021

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jeudi 29 avril 2021

Heures événement (+)
17:00 - 17:00 Cell cycle (Virtual Zoom room) - Hourra Merrikh  
17:00 - 17:25 The origin of R-Loops during replication-transcription conflicts (Virtual Zoom room) - Houra Merrikh  
17:30 - 17:45 High-resolution whole-genome analysis of sister-chromatid cohesion (Hi-SC2) in Vibrio cholerae - Elena Espinosa Alfaro  
17:45 - 18:00 Physical modeling of the partition complex ParBS: insight into the bacterial genome organization and Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation - Jean-Charles Walter  
18:00 - 18:15 Chromosome dynamics and spatial organization during the non-binary cell cycle of a predatory bacterium - Geraldine Laloux  
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